
If you have a piece of refrigeration equipment that you no longer require we will be happy to dispose of it for you. It will then be disposed of properly under the Duty of Care Act and in compliance with statutory requirements.

The costs for this service vary; if you have purchased a new freezer from ourselves and wish to have the old one collected at the same time the charge would be £87.30. If you wish to have a collection without a purchase or at a date later than the delivery date then the charge would be £153.60. A size limit applies - please contact us for further information.

Telephone 0161 366 2500
Email sales@wallsrefrigerationsolutions.com

For every piece of refrigeration equipment we collect and dispose of, over 97% of it is recycled.

Wall’s Refrigeration Solutions is a member of the advantage Waste Brokers WEEE Producer Compliance Scheme and our WEEE Producer Compliance Scheme Membership Number is WEE/FC0255QV.

If you chose to dispose of your own refrigeration equipment, please remember it is your responsibility under the Duty of Care law to ensure that all ozone Depleting Substances are removed from your equipment before disposal at facilities approved by the Environment Agency.